Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life is currently being screened across the country, and we’re actively adding upcoming screening events here. If you are interested in hosting a screening, please let us know.
* New upcoming screening events will be added here very soon for October 2023! *
Search to find specific venues or locations for upcoming and past screenings, or simply scroll down to browse the full list of events.

Sacramento, CA
Free community screening taking place at Crest Theatre in Sacramento, California.
Sponsors include The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California, Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region, Jewish Community Relations Council, Leonard M. Friedman Bar Association, Federal Bar Association Sacramento Chapter, Asian/ Pacific Bar Association of Sacramento, Women Lawyers of Sacramento, and SacLegal.

Los Angeles, CA
LA Screening and Discussion: Addressing Antisemitism and Hate
Join Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, Congress Members Adam Schiff and Sydney Kalmager-Dove IKAR, Congregation Rabbi Sharon Brous and Film Director Patrice O’Neill for a discussion following the film.
Sponsors include IKAR, Not In Our Town, LA vs. Hate, LA for All, Jewish Federation of Los Angeles, JQ, NewGround Muslim Jewish Partnership, ADL Los Angeles, 30 Years After, Thought Partnerships and The Righteous Conversations Project.
(This event was originally planned for March 14, but postponed. The new date is May 1st, 2023.)
Los Angeles, California

Oakland, CA
Oakland Temple Sinai Interfaith Screening
Free Interfaith Film Screening of Repairing The World: Stories From The Tree of Life.

Bloomington-Normal, IL
Free community screening at The Normal Theater on Monday, April 17, 2023.
Sponsors: Not In Our Town, Not In Our Town Bloomington-Normal, YWCA of Mclean County, Prairie Pride Coalition, Moms Demand Action Bloomington-Normal

Pittsburgh, PA
Free Community Film Screening of Repairing The World: Stories From The Tree of Life.
The screening event takes place from 5:30 to 7:30pm on Monday, March 27, with filmmaker Patrice O’Neill, leader of Not in Our Town, the globally recognized team that for more than two decades has produced films on community response to hate. The screening is free and open to the public, and will be held in the George Rowland White Theatre in the University Center, 414 Wood St.
Along with the Center for Media Innovation and the 10/27 Healing Partnership, cosponsors include: Catholic Charities of Pittsburgh/Relief Services, Center for Kindness at Jewish Community Center, Center of Life – Hazelwood, Christian Associates of Southwest Pittsburgh, Film Pittsburgh, Inclusive Student Leadership Association at Point Park, Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, Jewish Family and Community Services, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Community Relations Council, Jewish Women’s Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh, Not In Our Town, Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations, Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, Point Park Campus Interfaith Group, Point Park University, Shalom of Point Park University.

Walnut Creek, CA
Free Screening and Q&A with Director Patrice O’Neill.
Hosted by Campolindo and supported by iKind.

Minneapolis, MN
Free Screening, hosted by Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC) and Minnesota JCC.

Charlottesville, VA
Not In Our Town, the Charlottesville Clergy Collective, Congregation Beth Israel, and Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church are sponsoring a screening of “Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life,” a documentary on Pittsburgh’s response to hate and antisemitism. Download flier.
After the screening, there will be a time of discussion and exploration about how we can respond to hate and antisemitism here in Charlottesville.
Light refreshments will be served.
PLEASE REGISTER HERE to notify the CCC that you will be attending.

Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Jewish Film Festival
Screening followed by Q+A with director Patrice O'Neill.
Community Partner: Stan Greenspon Holocaust & Social Justice Education Center

Louisville, KY
Louisville Jewish Film Festival
Screening followed by Q+A with director Patrice O'Neill.
This film screening is made possible by Congregation Adath Jeshurun through a grant from the Jewish Heritage Fund, Rabbi Joshua Corber’s Discretionary Fund and Cantor David Lipp’s Discretionary fund.

New York, NY
Cinematters Film Festival at JCC Manhattan
Screening followed by Q+A with director Patrice O'Neill and Hassan Naveed, Executive Director, NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes.
Co-presented by Fritz Ascher Society and Facing History and Ourselves.

Confronting Hate: Facing History & Ourselves Webinar
In conversation with Patrice O’Neill, the director of the new documentary, Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life. We’ll discuss the making of this film and its implications in the fight against antisemitism and racism.
During the webinar, we will:
Discuss how the Tree of Life shooting is indicative of a larger trend related to rising antisemitism in the United States
Explore ways that communities devastated by violence can begin to heal
Consider what we can do to make our communities stronger than hate

Santa Cruz, CA
United Against Hate Week Screening
Santa Cruz County United for Safe and Inclusive Communities (SCCUSIC), in partnership with Temple Beth El, the Resource Center for Nonviolence, and the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, presents the documentary REPAIRING THE WORLD: Stories From the Tree of Life. Join in the discussion after the movie with filmmaker Patrice O'Neill.

San Rafael, CA
Marin Community - Free Screening
Join us and Not In Our Town during United Against Hate Week to screen “Repairing the World” and hear from film director Patrice O’Neill. This event is in partnership with the Osher Marin JCC, Not In Our Town and Congregation Rodef Sholom during Marin’s United Against Hate Week.

Berkeley, CA
United Against Hate Week Signature Event
Film followed by a special panel with Filmmaker Patrice O’Neill and members of the United Against Hate Week coalition, to be announced shortly!

Alexandria, VA
Alexandria Film Festival
“Repairing the World” at the Alexandria Film Festival! Film followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Patrice O’Neill.

Youngstown, OH
Youngstown Jewish Film Festival
"Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life" documents Pittsburgh's powerful community response to hate in the aftermath of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history. Through the voices of survivors, family members, diverse Pittsburgh residents and leaders, the film shows unity in a moment of crisis, the resilience of a vibrant city, and a community working together to understand what it means to be "stronger than hate."

Boston, MA
Boston Jewish Film Festival
Spotlight Screening! Followed by a Q&A with Director Patrice O’Neill and Pittsburgh community film subjects Allen and Lauren Mallinger in person. Screening as part of the Cummings Social Justice Film Series.

Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Barbara Jewish Film Festival
Film followed by a special panel with Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Vice President of the Center on Extremism Oren Segal, Filmmaker Patrice O’Neill, and Lorne M. Fienberg, Immigration Attorney and Brother-in-Law of Joyce Fienberg, a Tree of Life victim.

Palo Alto, CA
United Nations Association Film Festival
We are delighted to announce that Repairing the World will be a featured film at the 25th UNAFF (United Nations Association Film Festival), which was founded in 1998 by Stanford educator and film critic Jasmina Bojic in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
BUY TICKETS (Select Session 21)